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Problems with SD card used on my camera

  Date: Dec 09    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 512

I have a problem with using my SD card and Ubuntu 9.04. For some reason this
version does not like this card or something. When I was using 8.02 live, I
never had these problems. I'm lost on what to do as I'm rather a newbie at this
operating system.

A little more info on what is happening. For one I checked to see if the card
was working right on my camera, and it was. I could take pics and see them on
my camera. When I loaded the card to my card reader, I couldn't see any of the
pics. The folder is empty. When I look at the properties icon for the card on
the desktop, it shows that something is on the card since it reports it over
half full of something. It just doesn't report what's there when I look further
into the folders. When I insert the card, I let F-spot do it's thing, but it
doesn't see any files either. Also the card is being reported as a 1gig card,
when it's a 2 gig card. To make matters worst, when I go to reinsert the card
back in my camera, it is now reporting an error and I can't take pics. I really
don't think there's any thing wrong with my card or my camera.

I could give more info if I forgot something. Any help is much appreciated.



21 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 09    

I had very similar problems. In my case they went away when I
reformatted the card using the menu on the camera.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 09    

Have you recently viewed that SD card on a computer running Windows Vista? I had
used my card reader on my computer running Linux to get some pics from my
brother's camera downloaded and it worked fine. I then put those pics onto a USB
stick to put them on his laptop with Vista. Worked fine also. Later, I went to
use my USB stick and couldn't delete the pics off of it, nor could I put
anything else on it. Neither Linux or Windows would do it. Was telling my son
about it and he said Vista could have messed it up and talked me through using
Linux terminal gparted to delete the partition on my USB stick and now it works
fine. May work for you, but you will lose the pics and info on your SD card. In
gparted, it showed the volume as FAT 16 and my son had me delete that partion
and set the new to FAT 32. Hope this helps.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 09    

Ok. Let do the KISS method here. Leave the card in the slot and reboot the
system. Please report back. Some times depending on the PC you use. It just
works. I use a SD card to load up MP3 files to my cell phone. Some times Ubie
can be a bit stub on reading it.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 09    

I never used this card with Vista, but I did use it with XP Pro. I tried
restarting the computer with the card in the reader, but I get the same results.
Can't see any of the pics.

I can't take any pics with this card either. When I take pics I get a can't
write to card error with the camera. I also checked to see if I could read the
card with the live 8.10 dvd, but no luck there either.

Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 09    

Try reformatting the card in the camera. Reformatting the card will destroy any
data on the card.

Answer #6    Answered On: Dec 09    

It hasn't got a locktab on it has it ?
Daughter rang me the other day with similar incident,
she had bumped the switch when putting it into comp.
There is a little switch like thing on some sd cards
bit like the locking mechanism on a floppy disk.

Answer #7    Answered On: Dec 09    

No it's not locked. The camera tells me when it is locked. Man I really would
hate to reformat this card. I might just get another card and see what happens.
I'm still open to suggestions if anyone has them.

Answer #8    Answered On: Dec 09    

Do you know anyone else who might have a PC who could try reading it for you?
Or, can you connect your camera via cable to a PC?

Answer #9    Answered On: Dec 09    

I don't have the cable from cam to PC. I do have a laptop I can use. I'll get
back to you this weekend and let you know if it works. It'll be with the live
8.10 dvd on the laptop.

Answer #10    Answered On: Dec 09    

Not much help here.
But I just put an new SD in my camera and It worked right off with no
formating unless it was done automatically by the camera, a canon.

Answer #11    Answered On: Dec 09    

Your new card was formatted at the factory.

A few weeks ago I suggested that it was possible to "blow" a card upon
insertion, and this was widely poo-pooed. Your old card is behaving like a
"blown" card. Sadly, the solution is to format it.

Answer #12    Answered On: Dec 09    

is there a lock on the side of the card?
That could be part of the problem.

Answer #13    Answered On: Dec 09    

There's a lock, but that's not the problem. If I lock it, the camera will tell
me it's locked when it tries to write to it. I tried to see if I could read the
card with a live version 8.10, but not luck, same results. I'm just going to
find me another card and see if I have the same problems. I don't want to
reformat this card and still have the problem. I would lose my files for

Answer #14    Answered On: Dec 09    

I would be fairly confident that your files are still intact and that
it's just the case that the file system has somehow become corrupted.
Have you considered trying data recovery software? I seem to remember
that you said earlier in the thread that you have access to an XP
machine. Whilst it grieves me to suggest using a piece of windoze
software, it is the only one I have personal experience of - some of the
more experienced linux people on here might be able to suggest a linux
alternative. Download Recuva <http://www.recuva.com/> and install it on
the XP machine and see if it can find your files. This software is free
and proved very effective in recovering data when a virus killed the mbr
on my daughter's machine. If you can recover the files, it will free you
up to play around with reformatting the card.

Answer #15    Answered On: Dec 09    

OK so I got another card at Fry's. This one was formatted and now the OS
doesn't even see it when it gets plugged in. Same story with 8.10. It's still
working fine in the camera. Any suggestions? Maybe start a new post since this
seems to be a different issue?

The other card is being shelved till I get this issue resolved. I don't have XP
installed any of my computers, so I don't really want to go there, but if I have
to, I guess I will.

Answer #16    Answered On: Dec 09    

Do you know anyone with a Windows machine that you can try to see
it it can read the disk? That would resolve something I think.

Answer #17    Answered On: Dec 09    

Have you tried 9.04?

I have been using 8.04 and trialled 8.10. I have just bought a
Fujifilm and found that it couldn't read the card via cable. Seems
9.04 have solved that problem in 8.04 and 8.10 whatever it is. Just
thought it was worth mentioning - 8.* doesn't seem to cope with cable
connecting with some cameras. I could use the card reader though.

Using Recuva seems a good suggestion and reformatting the SD card -
something wrong there i think.

Answer #18    Answered On: Dec 09    

I would buy a USB Card Reader and plug it in, that will be mounted by
Ubuntu and read the card easily.

Often cameras need their own linux software to read cards on Ubuntu.

Answer #19    Answered On: Dec 09    

I thought it was the other way round. Linux reads the SDcard only
whereas windoze with drivers will read the camera memory. All i'm
saying is so far i haven't come across any case that linux hasn't been
able to upload pics. I've only tried five cameras of different makes
on linux and no problems... but quite a few problems with windoze.

Answer #20    Answered On: Dec 09    

The two versions I've tried to read this card with are 8.10 live version, and
9.04 with all updates. I formatted the newest card with the camera. I'm trying
to read the card with a card reader that is working. The previous card gets
recognized when it's plugged in. The latest card there's nothing. The OS
doesn't detect that card has been inserted in the reader.

XP doesn't read this new card either. I tried to read the card with my
brother's laptop and it hangs. Nothing happens till I remove the card. It'll
read another card he has no problem. SO I know the reader is good.

One thing that does show that the new problem card works, is that when it gets
plugged into his printer, you can read the card and print out pics. Still I
think the problem is this new card is not working correctly. I'll take it back
and get another.

This time I won't format it and just see what happens when it gets plugged in to
the reader.

Answer #21    Answered On: Dec 09    

That card is corrupted and will probably not read in any reader. You are
right to take it back.

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