I'm guessing that the camera isn't mounting now?
I was troubled by some very difficult to understand USB port issues on my P4
computer. Ubuntu, any version, would not recognize the USB ports, it drove me
nuts for a while. To make things worse Ubuntu would occasionally recognize the
USB ports just once and then refuse to work again. For some reason I could
wiggle the USB memstick, in this case, and wallah! it would mount, leading me to
believe that it might be a defective solder joint in the USB connector area of
the motherboard.
To further complicate things I tried Mandriva One and it recognized my USB ports
everytime, but I had other problems with Mandriva that were unrelated to the USB
port problem, so I went back to U-8.10 again to have another look at the USB
With a fresh install of 8.10, I set and reset the Bios USB options on my ECS
motherboard, including the Legacy option, without having any effect on the
intermittent USB issue. At some point in this exercise I noticed that my Bios
had an option, F9 in my case, that said it would reset the Bios to its original
Once I reset the Bios with the F9 option everything worked perfectly,
no issues at all.
I don't know if restting your Bios will fix your issue but after restting mine
I've been able to use my USB ports for all of my toys without issue.