I recently installed a SB Audigy card on my Ubuntu 11.10 system. It worksfine for me but is invisible to the other users on the system. How do I fixthat?
Do the other users get *any* sound at all ? If not then when bootedinto their profiles check the hardware setting for sound and see if ithasn't been updated to the new card. Should be automatic but you neverknow.Also try creating a new user from within your working profile to seeif that one has sound.
There are two sound systems available, the Audigy and the mother-board. TheAudigy does not show up in his hardware profile. He is getting soundthrough the motherboard chip on the box front headphone jack. How do I addthe card to his profile?
If both audio systems are active then that's going to confuse mattersgreatly, so go into BIOS and turn off the on-board sound. That wayevery user will be using the Audigy card as default