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sound card not available to all users

  Date: Feb 07    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 489

I recently installed a SB Audigy card on my Ubuntu 11.10 system. It works
fine for me but is invisible to the other users on the system. How do I fix



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 07    

Do the other users get *any* sound at all ? If not then when booted
into their profiles check the hardware setting for sound and see if it
hasn't been updated to the new card. Should be automatic but you never

Also try creating a new user from within your working profile to see
if that one has sound.

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 07    

There are two sound systems available, the Audigy and the mother-board. The
Audigy does not show up in his hardware profile. He is getting sound
through the motherboard chip on the box front headphone jack. How do I add
the card to his profile?

Answer #3    Answered On: Feb 07    

If both audio systems are active then that's going to confuse matters
greatly, so go into BIOS and turn off the on-board sound. That way
every user will be using the Audigy card as default

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