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AverMedia E500 card bus problem.

  Date: Jan 07    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 454

I ve tried and had some success in installing the .rpm drivers on my
Feisty. I did an alien to convert it to .deb and installed it.
However, I dont seem to have any luck trying to get the tuner working
to capture the signals.

I ve been trying a script I found on ubuntuforums.org to iterate
through 0-69, loading and unloading the drivers for each tuner (0-69).
This script also runs tvtime-scanner to see if there is any signal on
frequencies between 44-958Mhz.

This has been in vain. The same card works sweet on Window$$, I guess
because of the drivers.

Any tips on what I am missing? I m very new to the TVcard game, saw a
tv card only a coupla days ago.



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