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Default application when an SD Card is mounted via USB

  Date: Feb 06    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 477

Since loading Oneiric, every time I insert an SDCard (in a reader) into
the USB port on my machine MoviePlayer fires up, whatever is on the
card. I can't find - or can't think - how to change it. Right click -
nothing. System Settings - nothing obvious. Even when I eventually found
Default Applications there was nothing to do with the default for newly
mounted media.

Any ideas, please?

A rather broader point - how on earth did it get set to that? I'm 99%
certain I never set it to MediaPlayer, not even by accepting a dialog
and not noticing a "do this for every device" checkbox.

Any help much appreciated as ever.



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 06    

Update - I just found Removable Media under System Settings. *But* . . .
everything there (including "other media") is set to "ask what to do".

A few minutes older but none the wiser

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 06    

Try setting an action you don't want as default then change back to
'ask me every time'. Works when Windows gets a flag messed up so worth
trying in Ubuntu

Answer #3    Answered On: Feb 06    

good idea but no joy unfortunately - even
after a restart.

I'll be reinstalling sooner or later, maybe that'll fix it

Answer #4    Answered On: Feb 06    

Another thought - have you a USB media player that you've used on this
system ? That could have be set to auto-run media player and the USB
card reader may be considered the same sort of device. Not sure how
you'd got over that if that's the case - perhaps plug the USB player
in and change the default application for it to 'ask'. Note that the
option won't be there until the player is present and mounted.

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