My wife rented a few movies and I thought I would watch them whileworking but none of them will play on ubuntu. Never noticed if any moviewould or wouldnt, but they do on windows. I have VLC installed whichusually plays anything. What else would I need?
Works fine for me. Did you install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package?How about dvdcss?
Yea, I have the restricted package installed.I checked on dvdcss... dont have that so Im looking for that one.
When I start VLC it at least shows the dvd but it wont start.Oh well.
I'll look at mine when I get home.............
I installed ubuntu restricted extras and VLC and have no problems usingthe puter for movies. Hope this helps
When I start Movie viewer and select the dvd, it immediately turns off.If I select a movie on my drive, its okay.When I have a chance I might try rebooting. Never needed to do thatwith linux but, Ill try.
Tried a few more things like changing the output of VLC but nothing worked.
Something to try is to install totem-xine and remove totem-gstreamer.Totem-gstreamer has trouble with displaying menus, but totem-xine is the fixfor this. This should not affect VLC though. I have also read about a GNOMEbug that affects playing DVDs. I always run two or more desktops in case onemesses up and I would try it in another desktop if this was my system. Thatway you can try to localize the problem.
I'm not sure how rebooting would help - don't think that will be veryproductive.Time for basic questions: Does the user who wants to watch the moviehave rights to read the dvd device? (Does "use the cdrom device" appearin their list of privileges?)To put the question in concise short-hand, unix form, I'd ask "is theuser in the cdrom group?"
The package that you want is ubuntu-restricted-extras. It containslibdvdcss2 which is the package required to decode commercial DVDs whichhave copy protection on them. VLC is a great player, but it won't work withcommercial DVDs unless you have libdivdcss2 installed. The restricted-extrasalso enable you to play flash and mp3s and includes ttf-mscorefonts whichmakes Windows pages look more natural in Ubuntu.