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Rip Audio from AVi,MP4 or DVD files on hard drive,/CD, or/DVD

  Date: Jan 21    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 528

there does anyone know of any programme in the repository which will do
this,i've just discovered that Handbrake isn't a ripper but a coder/decoder Im
running Ubuntu 10.04



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 21    

!0.04 has it own CD/DVD creator in Applications/Accessories.

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 21    

I have used k9copy and thoggen for ripping DVDs, they work fairly well, but
some DVDs have dummy files that fool the programs into writing 20+ GB of
useless stuff to the file. I think it's some kind of DRM encoding to make
it harder to back up the content you have paid for. It also will shrink the
file size to something that will fit on a CD or DVD-R. I believe they are
in the repos.

