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Error Messages and Watching Dvd's

  Date: Dec 26    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 451

Start with the simple one. Watching DVD, still can't get totem to work
to watch dvd but I am not worried about it as I have a DVD player
built into my tv, and XP will still do it if I need to watch one.

I tried to add several packages and received the following error, I
have an idea what it means but looking for an expert opinion.
E: msttcore fonts;subprocess post-installation script returned error
exit status 1

Ok if I understand this right, there is a font missing or not
installed am I correct or way out in right field/



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 26    

Most people use VLC for all media type. I use Ogle for DVD watching myself.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 26    

VLC is the way to go for watching DVDs and many other video formats as well. As
for the font problem, you can do a search for msttcorefonts in the repositories
and install them.

Here is some info on using restricted formats in Ubuntu:
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats . It includes sections on
playing DVDs etc.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 26    

I will try out VLC after I get home from work.
On the font errors, I tried to remove/add them and
still getting the same error. I didn't have any
problems yesterday even with adding packages, but
today after I started Ubuntu and wanted to download a
package, that is when I started getting the errors. It
seems the packages went in ok, just still getting the
msttcorefont error.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 26    

Well I did some research and see I am/was not the only one having
trouble with the msttcore fonts. I tried some of the suggested ways I
read about but still getting the msttcorefont error. So I am asking
for any help or suggestions to fix this. Not sure if it is affecting
my packages I installed or not, but I guess if worse comes to worse, I
will wipeout Ubuntu and reinstall it, which I am not looking forward

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