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how do I get an MP3 to play ?

  Date: Dec 20    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 390

I'm trying to do is to play an MP3.

So can someone please tell me IN SIMPLE TERMS PLEASE how do I get an
MP3 to play ?????????????????????????????

I've gone round and round the houses and I can see there's appaant
legal reasons why Ubuntu doesn't come with the plugins installed but
for pittys sake please someone tell me just how do I get the plugins
and get them to work?

I am really well and truly past caring about the ethics etc and I'm
very very likely to abandon Ubuntu alltogether adn go to Mandriva
instead or worse still back to Windows.

I've installed (now this has to be a joke) EasyUbuntu and I get this
message when I try to ,,,,,,,, err I'm buggered if I know what I'm
trying to do cos it's so damned confusing,,,,, well I put a check mark
in one of those poxy god knows what it means boxes in the vain hope it
might then allow me to play a simple MP3!

anyway this is the error message installing package(s)
gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly, gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse,
gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse, gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg,
gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad, libxine-extracodecs, libxine-main1, faad,
sox, lame, ffmpeg, mjpegtools, vorbis-tools, libxvidcore4

I really couldn't care less what it means just tell me what to click
on to get it to work PLEASE!!!!

and please no geeky answers just simple point ath this click on that

sorry for the rant but is it any wnder there are so few users of Linux !



5 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 20    

OK relax. Mp3's formate is a copy right and pat protected in most countries
around the world. Ubie would not be free if the Codecs for mp3 or dvd came
installed. Mandriva has a extra cd that cost money. Reason why us that comes
with need to pay for codecs. There is several ways to get what you want. One is
to install Automatix. This will install a butt load of codecs.
A other program script to run codecs is Easy Ubuntu
And to do manually is
I would start with Automatix.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 20    

Thank you for the informatin I eventually
found where they pur EayUbuntu to run it and got MP3s
working ut it's still fiddly. I may well try this
automatix though.

Thank you for your help I was pretty pissed off with
Ubuntu this morning as you can tell. It really does
need to become more user friendly though but it's
nearly there I think.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 20    

I agree that Ubie can be more user friendly. But please keep in mind that Linux
is not windows. If you look at Ubie a couple a years ago. It was far from
friendly as to what it is now. There is some really friendly Distro out there.
Like Mepis, Linspire or Freespire, and Knoppix. The all run a KDE desktop envio
and not Gmome.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 20    

Depends on what "User friendly" means. I can't stand anything that's
not needed on my system. I can't use KDE for more than a few minutes
without getting frustrated at the number of options I'm given, and Gnome
is only slightly better. I use Fluxbox because it skips all the eye
candy that those WMs have and goes simplistic, which to me is much more
"user friendly" than anything else.

Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 20    

How true. I remember cutting my teeth on DOS 5 and booting to the
command prompt. How many of today's common users would consider this
user friendly? Hehe. Most folks want user friendly to mean "when I
click on it, it better just work" or something to that effect. :)

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