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Playing DVDs with menus

  Date: Dec 11    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 373

ubuntu 8.04

I get a number of DVD films with the newpaper - often two films per
DVD with a selection menu. When played on the TV-DVD player one just
selects a film from the menu with the remote.

Using windoze i have used 'Power DVD' which is fine. In ubu Totem
doesn't recognise the menu and either plays neither or sometimes just
one of the films. Totem plays any single film on a DVD fine in my

VLC seems find the menu ok and plays either selected film - fine. Is
VLC the best DVD playing app? Just for interest why is this - better
codecs in VLC?



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 11    

Vlc is the best media player. Mplayer usesTotem and it can be iffy, especially
if it uses Gstreamer instead of xine. Vlc has its own engine and it just seems
to work no matter the operating system.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 11    

I wondered if that was the case! My knowledge on media is limited but
hopefully will improve with time.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 11    

I have the exact same problems with Totem and MPlayer. VLC works well and so
does Gxine.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 11    

Gxine works better because it uses Xine and not Gstreamer. You can get Mplayer
and Totem to work as well as Gxine does. Totem uses Gstreamer by default, but if
you install Totem-xine then Totem and Mplayer should behave more to your liking.
I agree that VLC is great.

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