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Gutsy Gibbon (7.04) Release Candidate

  Date: Jan 03    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 430

Has anyone else downloaded the 7.10 RC ISO and tried it as a Live CD?
I burned a copy to try out on my laptop, and it seems to be working
very well so far. It picked up my laptop's unusual resolution
(1440x900) right off the bat - something Feisty Fawn didn't do.
Several of the menus have been streamlined for easier access.

For reference, the download page for the 7.10 RC can be found at the
official Ubuntu site here:




3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 03    

went a step further and upgraded from feisty.

have a few odd issues

Compiz does not run on boot its in my sesions

network manager has changed so I can no longer connect to my University

finally the issue of having to respond the the keyring prompt is back
after having been covered since dapper. the old bit of code and the
pam-keyring deb does not seems to work. will see what happens on final.

never have had issues with Ubuntu recognising 1440x900 here though.

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 03    

I am holding off for 2 weeks after the release. Just to see what bugs are
floating about. Most times the bugs are quickly fixed in that time frame.

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 03    

Yes, I have tried both the desktop and server edition of 7.10RC.

Dell i9300 laptop - Better than the Beta release, with the Beta the ATI
X200 card failed completely; just a black screen. With the RC, the X200 is
working and the effects worked too for the first time. After running the
LiveCD for an hour or so, it compleley locked up - froze.

LUG Server install - after apt-get update, apt would no longer run due to a
fault in a library. So, system was hosed!

So, I will try the release on the 18th, but will not be in a hurry to
upgrade all my machines running Ubuntu 7.04 happily. Most likely will be
waiting about 3 months.

For my LUG server, also tried 7.04, but it just did an infinite reboot
after RAID1 install.

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