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Click 'n Run CNR now available for Ubuntu 7.04 and 7.10

  Date: Jan 02    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 446

I have been running gOS (Ubuntu 7.10) on both my work and notebook
computers. It is the first Linux release I have tried that supports
everything (wireless, sound, video, printer, everything) .. it's GREAT!

Tonite I got an email from the Linspire folks that says their CNR
client is now available for Ubuntu (and a bunch of other releases as
well). Since I am not the kind of fella that enjoys massive editing and
modifying of files, I was interested so I checked it out.

So far so good. Makes installing apps a breeze (right from their
website, just click and run) .. their database is not yet catagorized
(all files listed as 'other') but it works, what the heck, and it's a

Go to their site, http://www.cnr.com and check it out.



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 02    

The CNR thing is interesting, but why bother? You can do the same
things through Ubuntu's Add/Remove Applications and Synaptic package

In gOS, have you tried to highlight and copy a group of files from one
file folder and paste them into another. This feature did not work in
the download of gOS that I tested on my back up machine.

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 02    

Well one thing about the CNR is that you can pay for restricted codecs. Some
people feel like it is stealing and like to be honest.

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 02    

CNR is great for one primary reason, it helps make software installation
easier for new users. I remember
installing debian the first time with net install discs. It took me almost
two weeks to get X running correctly.
I am glad that there are tools to help people who are just learning to use
linux. Isn't the goal of all open source
supporters to convert windows users to linux users (no offense to the
BSDites). Make it wasy and they will com.
All she be Ubuntites.

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