I managed at last to configure PPPoE under Damn Small Linux. The first thing
was to start Netcardconfig and set it to "DHCP broadcasting". Then I configured
PPPoE connection with PPPoEConf. Last time when I was trying ( I always did the mistake of not deleting
"username when writing the username from RDS and instead of Cj8030860 it
appeared as usernameCj8030860 and it was impossible for it to work.
Now I am writing under Ubuntu gutsy Gibbon run from the Jetflash (installed
with Unetbootin). Here I ran pppoeconf and I also deleted "username" and wrote
Cj8030860 and password when prompted and everything went smoothly but did not
connect. I clicked the Network Manager icon (those two black monitors upper
right) and in Wired connection unchecked "enable roaming mode" and set it to
If I had known I would have had Internet under Ubuntu Linux Gutsy Gibbon right
from the start, without more than 3 months of torture.