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Trying to install Ubuntu 7.04 as dual boot with Win2000

  Date: Jan 08    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 445

Trying to install Ubuntu 7.04 as dual boot with Win2000. With different
disk layouts, when trying to boot Ubuntu, it twice got error

udevd - event [1926] run program /sbin/modprobe abnormal exit

Can anyone enlighten me as to cause?



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 08    
Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 08    

> ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php+uuid
Let me go through this slowly. Your reference says,

> Problem solved! This problem affects the users with the JMicron
pata/sata driver on their motherboards...

There seem to be several bug references to various manifestations of
this, some with JMicron (which I don't have), and some to SIS chipsets
(which I do). They date back a few months, some to previous Ubuntu
versions, but there seem to be few fixes.

> Do the following (ADVANCED USERS ONLY):

Well, I'm a beginner, but maybe I can fake it.

> 1. Boot from an Edgy Live CD
> 2. chroot into the root partition

This looks like an amazing feat. I guess chroot changes the root folder,
so further commands refer to the hard-disk copy of Ubuntu, and the
installs go there.

> 3. add the following modules:

> Code:

> libata
> pata_jmicron
> ata_piix
> ahci
> ata_generic


> Code:

> /etc/initramfs-tools/modules

Repository gb.archive.ubuntu.com ? This is done with synaptic and apt-get?

> Save, exit chroot and reboot. The system boots fine.

> P.S.: It doesn't matter how /etc/fstab or menu.lst from /boot/grub
looks like... I mean the new UUID... doesn't matter

Not sure what that means, but I guess it doesn't matter...

> Hope the Ubuntu devs will build a those modules into the kernel next

What problems might I have, and what do I look out for?

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