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Successful install of Xubuntu 7.04

  Date: Jan 08    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 384

You did not say how you connect to the Internet, but
you talk a lot
about slow speeds so are you using Broadband via cable?"

No, I have a DSL connection through Verizon. Sometimes I see download
speeds around 350-370 Mb/s, other times 30 or 40. It was during a period
of these latter speeds that I downloaded the Xubuntu 7.04 iso file.

I have not inquired about the discrepancy, Since I usually get higher
speeds, I suspect I wouldn't get much attention if I complained. OTOH,
Verizon isn't the only game in town, although the other "games" use
Verizon's cables, so . . .



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 08    

Something tells me you're slipping a decimal place or three here.
350 Mb/s?

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 08    

Something tells me you're slipping a decimal place
or three here.
350 Mb/s?"

You mean you don't have the new BitDeluge download program???????

Yeah, I don't know whether it was a decimal place or striking the wrong
letter on
the keyboard. When I was professing (before retirement took over) I
would have
made extreme fun of students who did that, and used up a lot of red ink

I just checked it, and the download speed was 320 _/*K*/_b/s. I'll try
not to make
that mistake again.

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 08    

A lower case "b" signifies Bits, an upper case "B" signifies BYTES, when
reading datacom speeds and feeds. You can convert from one to another by
multiplying or dividing by 8 as a BYTE has 8 bits in it. Hope this clears that

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