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Xubuntu 7.04

  Date: Jan 04    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 368

just installed the Xubuntu 7.04 on a 450MHz PII, dual booting with a
Windows 2000 Pro. the initial issue was the disk partitioning but got
over this and had a successful install.

the install was intuitive - perhaps because i have done a couple of
windows install/uninstall-format. now to load the other apps like the
OpenOffice.org and learn more about Xubuntu.

i don't see the firestarter - where can i find this. sorry for asking
as i am groping in the dark about linux/ubuntu.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 04    

OO.o is loaded by default (OO.o=OpenOffice.org) But there are tons of
great toys. I got the sudo to get the 3d drivers to word for GeForce and
ATi, then Beryl to get it up and running. I am going to play with it and
if I get Qapla' I will post all the information. Have fun. I gots to
goto work.

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 04    

i can't believe this - that my speakers sound so good with Xubuntu. i
had these speakers with a woofer that originally came with my dell
dimension XPS R450 (original OS was Win98). after several
format/reformats and installs, i couldn't make by woofer work even
with the Win2K. tried a couple of tricks to get the drivers but same
result hence, i was just contented with the 2 side speakers.

imagine my surprise when i played a greeting card sound and i can't
believe what i heard. the side speakers were so clear and my woofer

also tried skype - the sound are excellent. the voice quality for an
overseas call to a mobile phone was just like calling local landline.

thanks Ubuntu/Xubuntu..... now i am a believer....

and oh BTW, i didn't know that the OpenOffice2.2 is included in the
install package. just have to install these and run.

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