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Linux for semi pro recording

  Date: Dec 10    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 494

my son got me hooked on Linux (Ubuntu) and I do prefer it over Windows
(hands down) on most apps, but I want to use it for my small home recording
studio and have been having troubles along the way. I was reading some posts
about other Linux versions and figured maybe Ubuntu isn't the way to go for what
I'm doing. My son is a telecom person and is very good with his computer, but
knows zilch about recording or music (other than liking to listen to it), and he
says Ubuntu is his favorite for what he does but may not be for what I want, so
I'm wondering if anyone out there is using a different Linux version for
recording and if you could give me some heads up on where I need to go with
this. I don't want to go back to Windows but may have to if there's not a fairly
user friendly version of Linux that will do the job for me. I'm pretty good at
USING programs, but know nothing about how they work or writing code so if it's
not pretty much plug n play, then I'm lost. I'm kinda the proverbial old dog
that you can't teach new tricks.



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 10    

I have Ubuntu Studio http://ubuntustudio.org/ installed on a laptop PC and
64 Studio http://www.64studio.com/ installed on a desktop PC. 64 is built on
Debian so the apt-get commands will work on it just like they do on Ubuntu
Studio. If you contact me off-list, I'll see if I can help out if you get

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 10    

There is a a lot on the music and video programs. You mainly have to go to the
programs web sites like if you learn how to use Rosegarden or Jokester. It is
like buying modular synth in a way.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 10    

Something else to consider is to listen to some Linux Podcasts and look at
their archives. Many of them focus on recording because that is how they
make their podcasts. Many of them use Ubuntu, BTW. It isn't so much the
distribution itself but the fact that Ubuntu and Debian have the largest
repositories, so if an application is made for Linux it will be in their
repositories. You can install Ubuntu Studio from Synaptic using their
metapackages. All of the programmes will appear in Ubuntu's menu.

A good source for Linux podcast info is on Podcastalley.com or
theLinuxlink.net. I subscribe to most of them via RSS and listen to them at
my leisure. That is the nice thing about podcasts. You can listen to them
anytime. There are several that are good sources of info for beginners. For
recording info the guys at Jupiter Broadcasting on Youtube and
jupiterbroadcasting.com are good.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 10    

Thanks for the info. I've checked the sites out and they sound really good, but
so does Ardour and Audacity when you go to the sites. I don't think my problems
lie in the softwares as much as my ignorance of open source. The Debian stuff
caught my interest but I'm afraid I'll run into the same thing there. For
instance, after not being able to do what I wanted in Audacity, I tried editing
in Ardour and it worked great. So I saved the file as an Ardour file. The next
day I wanted to play around with it some more so I opened Ardour and started a
new file and it wouldn't let me. Gave me a message about the preferences not
being set right or something. So I closed it and double clicked on the file I
had saved the day before to get into it that way. Got the same message. I'm
running out of hair to pull out. :) My son, who knows more about it than I ever
will, says it's mainly because different programs will change the preferences to
work for them. He says if
someone took the time to write the commands into the kernel where it controlled
the preferences for the programs based on the computer's hardware, it would
probably help things run smoother. At least, that's what I think he said. We
talked about it for over an hour and I might have absorbed 2 minutes worth. Too
many brains cells gave their life for me to have fun in my youth.

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