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8.04 Kernel Update blows away wireless WEP config

  Date: Dec 25    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 495

over the weekend, Hardy had "updates to install" one of which being an
update to the x.x.x17 kernel (forgive the generalities as I'm not at
the laptop running Xubuntu, (because I can't get online with WI-FI).

I had previously set up the Wi-Fi profile, storing the WEP hexadecimal
key required to connect to my router. Once the kernel was upgraded,
no wi-fi. none. I had a look over at the Ubuntu wiki and this is not
the first time this has happened with a Ubuntu distro.

This might sound like laziness, but to have to go and find the
hand-written wi-fi WEP code, then re-enter it into the network manager
is trivial. It is. I just don't want to do it, and I certainly don't
want to have to do it anytime an updated kernel is released.



7 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 25    

Today they fix that. Which sucks because you need to get on line to fix it. Not

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 25    

I'm glad at least that they've fixed the issue.

As long as I only have to re-type the WEP key
just this time, I can live that.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 25    

I basically had the same problem when I
installed 8.04(instead of using Wubi), what I did to
correct it was to reinstall the drivers in Windows
XP(I have a dual boot), shut down the computer and
then restarted it. Went into Ubuntu and my wireless
worked again.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 25    

Sounds like a good suggestion, but if I'm not
mistaken I'd then have to reset the WEP key
in both Windows and Ubuntu, right?

I'm going to try to reset the Ubuntu WEP key
and then download the update/fix that Gobby mentions.

If it doesn't work, I'll reinstall the win xp
wireless driver and see what happens.

Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 25    

I have to say that I have *never* had any trouble with WEP since I
started with Ubuntu back at version 5.10 - however, Adam mentioned that
he uses a hex key, while I use an ascii one. I have no idea whether or
not that should make any difference, but it might be interesting for
someone to try it and see.

Answer #6    Answered On: Dec 25    

Save it to a text file just in case. Then you can copy and paste it if anything
goes wrong.

Answer #7    Answered On: Dec 25    

finally got it working again (the wi-fi).

1. connected with ethernet lan cable
2. got the xubuntu updates
3. reset the profile in network manager (somehow
it did not have the right network essid (it was off
by 1 character and when you're tired, this
stuff tends to fall through the cracks)

4. edited /etc/network/interfaces once i verified
what channel my router was broadcasting on and typed it in.

5. ran iwfonfig - all was well.

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