Enlightenment is a very nice window manager, I don't think it can use
compiz, but I could be wrong. Dig around in Google for that.
However, it is all about the themes for the look you want. You can dig
around and find out how to create your own theme - this has always been far
too much work for me personally - or you can download one you like, even
using it as a template to customize.http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/60/There are some, don't know if it is a real good resource, but it was top
ranked on Google searching for "Enlightenment Themes".
The major reason I've ever seen to running Enlightenment is the reduction in
overhead, I preferred to run WindowMaker myself for that. Just me though.
A very quick look on Google looks like both Compiz and Enlightenment are
Window Managers, so it supposedly won't work. However, I just clicked on
one link, thus this may not be true.