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Upgrade to 8.04

  Date: Dec 18    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 380

I`ve just upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04 all seems good apart from one strange

If I play movies from any player (Totem,Mplayer Gxine etc) the colours
come out in a blue/greenish colour. Playing movies in a browser work fine.

Any ideas why this might be happening?



9 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 18    

You need to go into Totem - Edit Preferences Display and reset the
hue, saturation etc. I just never got to the bottom of how/why the
settings got changed in there.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 18    

Speaking of 8.04 I used to use reconstructor to save custom Ubuntu CD's,
however reconstructor doesn't seem to work with 8.04, or at least not
well anyhow. Does anyone else know any options?

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 18    

It makes one wonder exactly HOW FAR someone should regress in version
numbers to find the Best version where everything works?

Much like XP is the best version of Windows vs. Vista.

Popped an old 6.04 CD in the other day and was impressed how
everything, simply worked!

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 18    

Install VLC, you'll be happier in the end.

Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 18    

Personally, I'd agree - but it won't solve the OP's problem (I know, I
tried it :-) ). You have to change the settings in Totem; they seem to
have a universal effect on the system and all other video players - I
have *no* idea why.

Answer #6    Answered On: Dec 18    

Changing the settings in Totem only worked for this and Mplayer for me,
the colours were still dodgy in Gxine and VLC, once I changed them in
Gxine VLC worked to.

Answer #7    Answered On: Dec 18    

Changing the settings in Totem only worked for this and Mplayer for me,
the colours were still dodgy in Gxine and VLC, once I changed them in
Gxine VLC worked to.

20080908 1936 GMT-6

Im a little behind on this thread.

I had serious video trouble until I went to preferences and chose the
X11 under output. That solved my output problem.

Answer #8    Answered On: Dec 18    

Interesting. So it's not quite as universal as I thought, thank you.

However, I've just gone into Totem, changed the settings to something
weird and, yes, on my PC gxine and VLC were both affected, so there's
clearly some sort of link - at least, on my laptop.

The more I lean about computers, the more convinced I am that they have
developed self-awareness - *nothing* can be so creatively malicious
without *some* conscious effort ;-)

Answer #9    Answered On: Dec 18    

It may be more of a case of a snapshot in time. It may be that that 6.04 came
out at the right time for your hardware and therefore represents what your
system was like in the past. Ideally new versions should make your system work
better, but in practice changes make your hardware seem dated. This is pretty
well universal whether it is M$, Apple or Linux. Reality bites. Ubuntu moves
with the times, but our hardware keeps on getting older, like us. That will
never change.

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