See a lot on here about 8.04 and video problems. My Linux box has
an ATI card in it and would not run debian because of it .So,tried
Ubuntu 6.06.All was well.Have done the up-grades as they came out
.Still all was well.8.04 ran well also.Two night ago ,I was trying to
get better than 800X600 res.and must have clicked something and all
went black.Thought maybe the monitor ? No.Tried another one .Have a
sec. drive with 6.06 on it and still runs fine .Today I wrote the
defective drive to all zeros and now won't load .Starts,but
quits.Looks like it is trying to run from the C/D!! Not !! Video
quits.6.06 stills runs!!!
Tried a big drive I have that was set up on a box with Nividia card
and that won't run either ,also a new WD won't run .Has to due with a
driver,I would think.Is there way to get the driver into the in-stall
program ??