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Upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04 on dialup

  Date: Dec 21    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 515

I have a question for you gurus. I am on dialup and to upgrade from the
package manager would take about three days of steady downloading.

I have searched for how to upgrade by using the live CD but all that I
have found is upgrading by using the package manager or the alternate
CD. Again, I would have to download the alternate.

Is there a safe way to upgrade using the live CD and if so how?

Thanks in advance. I'm getting the hang of it, like an old dog, you can
still teach it new tricks, but it takes time and patience.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 21    

We need to know what you are upgrading from and to.

Downloading the latest version using a download manager such as gwget or a
torrent will give you a disk which is current as of April, 2008. However, it
will still want to add patches and updates, unless you configure Synaptic to
only advise you of security updates. Otherwise it will plague you with possible
package updates that you may want to pass on, due to your connection.

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