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Ubuntu 12.04 and gnome themes

  Date: Feb 11    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 873

I am trying to find a gnome theme that will put title bar buttons where
they belong -- over on the right. All of the ones (very few) I found with
the distro have them on the left. Any advice for the hopelessly outdated? I
am running gnome classic.



7 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 11    

Is classic gnome still included in 12.04? In any case, there is/was a
program called gconfig editor. You can use that to change window
decoration location instead of finding a separate theme. Try googling like
"ubuntu gnome move window buttons to right" and you should find
instructions. Im on mobile else I would try to help with finding the right

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 11    

No. GNOME Classic is built on GTK 2 and GNOME 3 uses GTK 3 which is
incompatible. Ubuntu 11.10 and 12.04 use GNOME 3. Classic is history unless
you use an older version or switch to Debian. However, GNOME 2 distros will
soon find that the apps are no longer being supported or developed. This
was the big reason for dropping Classic and moving to the new version. GTK
2 just was not good enough to keep developers happy.

There are GNOME Classic wannabes such as Mate and Cinnamon which you can
install. They come with Mint, but are available for Ubuntu without needing
to switch.

Answer #3    Answered On: Feb 11    

In the 12.04 beta, install gnome-panel, logout, click the gear in the Greeter
window and select "GNOME Classic". You will probably also want to install CCSM,
CompizConfig Settings Manager.

My laptop has 12.04 running GNOME Classic. It was a clean install, not an

Answer #4    Answered On: Feb 11    

This is not really GNOME Classic. It is a substitute. It used to be called
GNOME Fallback Session, but they hoped that by calling it GNOME Classic
after the 2.32 desktop that the controversy would go away. There are
more complaints about it that about Unity. It is really just the GNOME 3
panel with a menu instead of the Dash. You lose more than you gain.

Here is what it looks like:

Real GNOME Classic was built on the GNOME 2.x framework and had a top and
bottom panel and you could run any application from the system tray. You
still have no ability to modify the panel and it is still GNOME 3
underneath, but it may be preferable to some users. I think that it was
brought back to blunt criticism more than anything else. Try it, though.
You may like it. Personally, I prefer Unity, if I had to choose. That way
you get all of the power or lenses and Dash.

Answer #5    Answered On: Feb 11    

You can move them to the right without changing the theme. Open a terminal
Ctrl+Alt+T and paste (Shift+Ctrl+V) this command in: gconftool-2 --set
"/apps/metacity/general/button_layout" --type string

Or you can do it from the GUI with this tutorial:
Note that you will have to install gconf-editor as the first step and you
can do that using the commandline as in the tutorial or from Software
centre, as you prefer.

You will have to logout and back in to see the change take effect.

Answer #6    Answered On: Feb 11    

When I use gconf-editor it is immediate and I didn't know about the
complete command line entry, thanks for that too.

Answer #7    Answered On: Feb 11    

I'm not sure if this still works:
1. open gconf-editor from terminal
2. apps->metacity->general
3. change button_layout value to :maximize,minimize,close

Don't miss the colon!

I'm now using Mint with Cinnamon, and *everything* is in the proper place.

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