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Kubuntu on top of Xubuntu 12.04

  Date: Feb 11    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 561

I installed Kubuntu Desktop onto Xubuntu 12.04 I decided I'd rather
have Kubuntu but didn't want to reinstall all my favorite apps. Anyway, I know
that Xubuntu 12.04 was a 3 year LTS, but since I've installed the Kubuntu
desktop, is it still a 3 year LTS operating system, or are the sources changed
with the Kubuntu desktop making it a Kubuntu 5 year LTS? I'm trying to imagine
what would stop it from getting updates after 3 years since everything is set to
Precise repositories, and Kubuntu updates would still be active.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 11    

If you upgraded Xubuntu 12.04LTS to Kubuntu 12.04LTS then you now have
the 5 year LTS so no need to consider any more upgrades until at least
2017 :-) On the other hand, if you now have a dual-boot setup then the
Xubuntu side still has the original LTS term and Kubuntu the new one.

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