I have been asked by a friend to help him get Ubuntu 12.04 on his
Dell Inspiron 64-bit laptop -- it is presently running Windows 7, which
is just driving him nuts! He handed me a SanDisk USB Flash Drive [16GB]
(way larger than needed, i'm sure!, but it's what he had on hand) &
asked if I could install Ubuntu 12.04 onto that, so he could just attach
the flash drive and then use Ubuntu....
I looked at the directions an www.ubuntu.com, and frankly my head's
spinning: it seems that there's a lot whoever wrote the directions takes
for granted. Can I download & set up the Flash drive using my Linux Box
& have it still be useful for him, or, does it need to be done from my
[seldom used] Windows 7 computer?
Switching from one to the other is not problematical, I just have
to switch over via my KVM box and then sign on to the Win 7 machine.
The other problem is with the download site, itself: it has a
drop-down box, giving you a (supposed) choice between 32 bit
(recommended) & 64 bit. But when ever I start the download, it always
appears to be for the 32 bit, even though I was very definitely clicked
onto the 64 bit choice. Is there, perhaps a means by which, using the
terminal, one can specify the 64 bit .iso-file & download it that way????
Sorry that it appears there are so many levels of question. Hope
someone can be of assistance.