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Remote backup recommendation

  Date: Jan 23    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 515

I have created a home network consisting of mostly Ubuntu 10.04 PCs and
a Windows PC (XP). One of my Ubunto systems has large USB attached disks.

I am trying to make that system a "backup" server. I started by
installing rsync on a couple of the Ubuntu systems, but have not been
able to get it to work, in spite of paying close attention to the
information I can find on the Net.

I am open to the idea of using a different package, but would like to
know that there is sufficient DETAILED information to let me implement
it (I am not a newbie to Linux, but I am not exactly an advanced user,

What recommendation would any of you like to make and where can I find
detailed implementation descriptions?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 23    

There are several easy backup applications with GUI and many use rsync as
the backend. Open Synaptic and search (not quick search) for backup. I Use
BackinTime but there are several others. If you want to do it yourself here
is a guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupPC

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