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multi-platform Java IDE recommendation?

  Asked By: Joao    Date: Sep 29    Category: Java    Views: 647

What IDE would you recommend for creating cross-platform Java apps?
I would like to create an app that can be deployed and both desktop
machines and mobile devices and I'm looking for an IDE that can
smooth out the process of negotiating all the differences in



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Wade Jordan     Answered On: Sep 29

Well I'm certainly no expert, but I'm really digging Jdeveloper by
Oracle. They have to be multi-OS by default, since Oracle runs on
Windows and *ix. They have additional modules available for mobile
devices, no idea how good or bad they are.

It's a free download if you register with OTN. Articles here:


Answer #2    Answered By: Roderick King     Answered On: Sep 29

These are both really good resources - thanks! And thanks especially
for the article on J2EEworld. That's exactly what I was looking for!

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