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Networking with 7.10 cd

  Date: Jan 03    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 522

I've been trying to get online using the 7.10 cd. I'm using a serial
port modem that I also use with Dapper. I can configure the modem
where it dials and shows to be connected. That is the modem itself
shows to be connected. The little display in the upper hand corner of
the desktop says that I'm not connected and FireFox seems to agree.
What might I need to change to let it see that a connection has been
established? I hope I don't have to re boot as that won't work with
the cd.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 03    

I assume you are using the Live CD of Gutsy and have not installed it
and are on a dialup line (otherwise, you wouldn't be using a serial
port modem) - is that right, or am I mistaken?

If so, then your setup should be the same as for Dapper. I use a
setup with Fiesty that I used with Dapper and plan to continue using
with Gutsy when I get the release via snailmail.

I use a wvdial.conf setup with a USR 5686E modem. If you have a
Dapper Live CD handy, try that and see if your modem still works - it
may be that your modem has stb'd. I previously had a USR 5686D that
did so, and then got the new one.

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