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7.10 problems

  Date: Jan 03    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 429

I'm using 7.04 now again, because it sure seems to work better. I did
a clean install of 7.10, and noticed right away strange goings on. The
most frustrating is how very slow Firefox loads any web page, even
Google, which has very little screen content. On 7.04, it is very
fast. I haven't tried many of the other applications, but they seem OK.
Next is a kind of light "shimmer" on the screen, don't have on 7.04.
Another real problem is shutdown. Screen goes blank, and never shuts
down. Have to use hard shutdown button on machine.

Computer is Fujitsu P5010D laptop, 900 Mhz, 512 of RAM. Right now have
7.04 on external USB HD sdb1, and 7.10 is on internal HD, sda1. (dual

Any ideas how to speed up Firefox?



5 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 03    

Well I upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10 then did some updates and after that
lost my ethernet connection and could not get it back no matter what I
did. I wiped it clean and put 7.04 back on and it works like a champ.
I think I will stay away from 7.10 until they figure out the bugs. I
should have done the same as I do for windoze and wait to upgrade. I
am still running XP on my other machine and refuse to upgrade to vista
for the same reason.

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 03    

I haven't done the upgrade yet, but I note the following, though I'm not quite
sure what it means:

In Ubuntu 7.10, network-manager only manages interfaces that are marked for
roaming. Thus, all interfaces that were previously managed by network-manager
will be set to roaming mode during upgrade. Technically, this takes any
interface stanzas using the dhcp method with no options and that are marked
auto, and removes them from /etc/network/interfaces. If you rely on your
interfaces being started by ifupdown when the system starts up, you need to
re-enable them in /etc/network/interfaces manually, or disable roaming in System
-> Administration -> Network.

My computers get an IP address by dhcp, so I want to take precautions to be sure
that this problem does not occur with me. If it does, you can't google to find a

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 03    

I haven't done the upgrade yet, but I note the following,
Now it looks like I'm going to do a clean install of 7.10. While using Feisty, I
downloaded the upgrade of Open Office and my system never fully recovered,
eventually becoming unbootable. I have a separate /home partition, so it's just
a matter of reinstalling applications.

Answer #4    Answered On: Jan 03    

Firefox is now available as an update, this might fix it.

Answer #5    Answered On: Jan 03    

I forgot, if you have evms installed, deinstall it. also disable
trackerd in sessions. Trackerd can cause memory and cpuhogging and
evms can cause a usb hdd problem or slow shutdowns (evms, enterprise
volume management system)

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