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HP LaserJet 6P Parallel Port Help

  Date: Dec 14    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 583

I have a HP LaserJet 6P connected to LPT1 (parport0). I did a full
install from CD of Ibex and the printer worked after reboot from LiveCD,
printed test page with no apparent problems. Installed updates that were
needed then the parallel port disappeared along with the printer. The
printer no longer shows in the "Add New Printer" dialog box. My USB
printer shows up as does my parallel printer on a networked computer.
Does anyone have any idea why after updates the parallel port and the
printer connected to it would dissappear? I have tried everything from
reinstallation of Ibex to uninstalling cups and reinstalling. I know the
parallel port, cord and printer are just fine cause prior to updates
everything is fine.

Here is the relevant dmesg errors
[ 152.773044] parport0: no more devices allowed
[ 152.773058] ppdev0: failed to register device!
[ 153.920503] parport0: no more devices allowed
[ 153.920517] ppdev0: failed to register device!

Any ideas?



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