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HP Officejet 4500 Wireless

  Date: Jan 21    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 490

There are 2 HP Officejet 4500's, wireless and (non-wireless). I thinking of
buying the wireless. Anybody have one, comments. . .



11 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 21    

Ive used a similar wireless at several businesses with 9.04 with no

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 21    

I've never been happy with wireless printers regardless of the OS I'm running.

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 21    

i have a hp 6500 wireless printer thats runs fine with ubuntu and any other
version of linux i have tried it with it is wireless and i love it

Answer #4    Answered On: Jan 21    

Wireless printers are great if you have more that one computer on a
network to one broadband router because you just print via the router,

Answer #5    Answered On: Jan 21    

I do ever plan on using the FAX, receive or transmit. The way this Kodak
copy mode works it is stand-alone, don't need no stink'n puter. As for scan,
its a nice and sometimes necessary function but for those once a month jobs
booting into Windoze occasionally is a inconvinence it is not that big a
deal. Yes, I too wish these OEMs supported Linu

Answer #6    Answered On: Jan 21    

I have had a Kodak ESP 7250 All In One for about 9 months. The wireless and
printer work fine, in Windoze. They do not support Linux, strike one. While
printing about 500 pages I went through around 3 black ink cartridges,
strike two. The ink cartridges are only ink, the printing guns, nozzles,
etc. are on another part at about one-third the cost of a new printer,
strike three.

So before the printing nozzles go bad I'm looking at moving on to a better
printer. I don't plan on doing any high quality picture printing. Printing
good pictures on a home printer is not very economical.

I saw the 4500 at Sam's yesterday, about $80. I believe the wired version
was $20 cheaper but I have had great success with the wireless printer
mentioned above. I figure if Kodak can do wireless surly HP can. I have had
good look with several HP printers over the past, I guess 20 years. I like
the flexability of how wireless gives you options on where it can be located

Kodak does not support Linux, I do not support them. APC doesn't seem to
want to provide support for Linux with their small UPS systems. In the
future I'll try not to support them too.

Answer #7    Answered On: Jan 21    

May I suggest you have a look at CUPS =Common Unix Printing System ,
through : http://localhost:631/admin
Drivers galore for many printers including Kodak ,HP ,Epson ,etc
When asked for username and password use your machine's username and
(ubuntu) password.

Answer #8    Answered On: Jan 21    

I print very little, so the nozzles dry out on me. My solution was to switch to
a laser printer. If I want to print photos, I send them to Walmart. ($0.29

I have a Brother wireless laser, but I run it hard-wired to my router.
Installing it on recent versions of Ubuntu takes about four mouse-clicks. The
only trick was to set the printer up with a static IP address.

Answer #9    Answered On: Jan 21    

I have the HP 4500 wireless version. It works with 4 computers here. Three of
them are Windows machines and one is a Linux machine. I had a software issue
which HP resolved over the phone and by taking control of my system and doing an
update. I had fantastic service from HP. I did ask if they supported Linux. What
I was told is they no longer do telephone or online support for Linux. They did
say there were help pages online for Linux but it was pretty much do it
yourself. I have no problem printing from the Linux machine but I haven't
explored the scan and copy functions. The driver that Linux provides me seems
very basic and limited to printing only. HP's software for the Windows version
is very impressive, wish it were available for Linux. If anyone knows anything
about this let me know. I will say the wireless system works flawlessly on all 4
of my machines. The only thing I can't use is the fax function. This is not an
HP issue, it's that my VOIP phone line system does not support fax. The number
of times per month I would need fax at home is virtually nonexistent.

Answer #10    Answered On: Jan 21    

I have not found reason for HP support service for the printers or
computers using Linux. The printer portion works fine, but gave it up
for a brother laser a year ago. I got tired of replacing dried up ink
cartridges. The scanner is also plug and play using the scanner utility
in Linux.

Not needing Fax I can't say, but if you can scan something there is no
reason you couldn't send it. I have used acfax to get weather fax so
Linux is quite capable of most of this stuff.

The Kodak printer can be made to work on Linux, but the quality of print
is better using Windows. My feeling on printers? Don't buy from
manufactures that state they don't support Linux, it's just that
simple. Hackers workarounds for these items are less than satisfactory.
You wouldn't buy Toyota parts for a BMW, and I bet Toyota would tell you
they don't support BMW. Why would anyone expect Linux users to be
tolerant of companies that don't produce product for our community?

One more note. If a companies web site says it supports Linux, the
drivers are likely in the kernel and are likely plug and play. Many
times special software supplied with a product is not supported on
Linux, but who would install a program from disk not tested by the
distros developers/testers anyhow?

Bottom line, Hp printers work out of the box, at least most of them. If
you are tired of dried up ink cartridges, by a laser printer, I like my
brother. If I had to do color I could buy a cartridge for the all in one
HP printer that contains the scanner I do use regularly.

Answer #11    Answered On: Jan 21    

I do ever plan on using the FAX, receive or transmit. The way this Kodak
copy mode works it is stand-alone, don't need no stink'n puter. As for scan,
its a nice and sometimes necessary function but for those once a month jobs
booting into Windoze occasionally is a inconvenience it is not that big a
deal. Yes, I too wish these OEMs supported Linux like they do Windoze. The
4500 does not have a memory-card or thumb drive port but I never use the
ones on the Kodak. I have a computer to do that with and there I have a much
better control.

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