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Extra page on HP 4500

  Date: Feb 05    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 513

I have an HP Officejet 4500. When printing a single page it always shoots out a
extra, although blank, page. How can I stop this?

Another question, can Ubuntu keep track of the manilipulation of the pages when
printing on both sides? In Windoze this is taken care of automatically, telling
you when to remove, re-insert and print of the other side. Has anyone figured
out how to do this in Ubuntu?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 05    

This has nothing to do with Ubuntu. Its the program that you are
printing from that sends the instructions and the printer setting for
double sided In MS its was again the printer software that told you to
change sides. All this should be found in Printer preferences when you
right click the printer icon.

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