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2 HP printers with simular porblems in Linux only

  Date: Dec 04    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 499

I have a ACER netbook running XP and U 9.10.

I have 2 HP printers

Photosmart 7600

All-In-One PSC 1410 v

Oh, I can get them to print properly in Win XP however, ...

7600: Printing the Ubuntu Test Page the grayscale 10% to 90% prints OK, but no
100%. Yes, text is 100% but there is NO black. I have installed the drivers
several times.
Also all the colors in a PDF with color text comes out washedout looking.
Probably no black added to it.

1410: It does leaves out the red/magenta. It prints B&W text from gedit in color
as blue/green.

Both print OK under XP.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 04    

Good luck with the attempt to dump XP.
This may or may not help, just thought I would pass it along.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 04    

I have searched until I was almost blue-in-the-face and never came across
that thread. Its late, 2:00 AM, I'll try it tomorrow.

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