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external hard drive

  Date: Dec 13    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 381

I would like to put my limewire music archive which is on my internal hard
drive on an external hard drive, but I am a beginner. I just got the computer to
finally recognize the drive. if it makes a difference I am running a hp zv 5000
pavilion, also when I signed up for this account I hit forums only so I am not
getting the emails. I am not sure how to get to the forums to read the response.
thank you in advance. I appreciate it.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 13    

Buy an IDE hard drive enclosure - virtually all usb seems to work in
linux. Put the hard drive in and it should read the archive.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 13    

I would like to put my limewire music archive which is on my
internal hard drive on an external hard drive, but I am a beginner. I
just got the computer to finally recognise the drive. if it makes a
difference I am running a hp zv 5000 pavilion, also when I signed up
for this account I hit forums only so I am not getting the emails. I am
not sure how to get to the forums to read the response.
thank you in advance. I appreciate it.

Reply: Nobody else has responded, so I will take a stab. I use Limewire which is
a programme. It runs on Linux and other platforms. I have it installed, but
prefer the open source Frostwire for P2P. I am not sure what a Limewire music
archive is. I assume it is like iTunes, since that seems to be the context that
you use it in. Latest versions of Limewire talk about iTunes integration which
is what I think that you are referring to. Correct me if I am wrong.

iTunes itself does not run on Linux, but there are several ways to sync your
devices using similar open source programmes. Depending on your music player,
you can use the one that is most appropriate. Rhythmbox, Banshee and Amarok and
sync between iPods, and MTP devices in the same way that iTunes or Media Player
can. There are other ones for iRiver and several other devices.

What is involved is physically moving the files between the devices, internal to
external, and then setting up a sync using the most appropriate programme. The
files are stored as mpeg, ogg or aac, or whatever and as such are just data.
What the syncing does is set up the database to track them. That is why merely
moving them is not enough. You need to do both.

Check that the appropriate programme recognizes your device. I use Amarok and I
go to Devices and choose MTP and my Philips GoGear shows when connected.
Rhythmbox has similar features, but I don't use Banshee as it is based on mono.
There is also Songbird which is worth checking out. It is available from
Getdeb.net. I have not used Limewire in awhile, but the Linux version may do
what you want, but can't say for sure.

To get emails you need to go to the Yahoo groups site and then change your
options to receive them by either individual email or to get then by a daily
digest. Otherwise you must log into the Yahoo groups site each time. I use
individual emails as I find the digest too unweildy to use and logging into the
site does not work for me due to a short attention span, on my part.

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