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Hard drive partition

  Date: Jan 02    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 466

I have two hard drives in my machine. I am wondering if I put all my data
files on the D: drive could I partition the C: drive and install Ubuntu onto
it, but still be able to access Window (yuck) if I need to on the other
partition. As opposed to putting Ubuntu on the other hard drive and have to
physically change drives every time I want to change os?



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 02    

If you second HD is a slave drive for example. Tell Ubie to take that HD. It
will ask you what drive do you want to take. Have Windows on the master drive
and Ubie on slave. Ubie will make up a boot loader and ask what you want to boot
up first at the int boot after the install. Windows must be installed up first.
Windows does not like to share O/S with any body.
All so Zen may be the best too

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 02    

Hey try this its from an attachment that i can send if it is to lon
for this mode. hope it helps.

One Way To Duel Boot XP Pro and Ubuntu Feisty
For Nubies Like Me!

This was done on a bare bones computer with 2 hard drives ,
one with its jumper set as master the other set up as a slave I don't
know if it will work with them set to cable select. The computer was
also running a P3 and 256Mb of ram so it should work on most

The following is a short list of the things that you will
1.A disk with a runnable copy of DBAN for doing a complete wipe of
both HD's
2.A Windows XP Pro Install Disk
3.A Ubuntu Feisty Live/Install Disk
4.A copy of any files and programs you don't want to lose(to be
reinstalled later by you)

First Off Print This Out Then save to disk any files and programs
that you don't want to lose.

Next Go to Http://dban.sourceforge.net and download a copy of the
appopriate software for your current OS saving it to a floppy or burn
to CD. You will need this to completely wipe your hard drives.

Now Let's Start:
1.Place the DBAN floppy or the CD in the appropriate Drive and Reboot
the computer from that drive. (If you have to configure your computer
to boot from CD do so now. You will need it to boot from the CD for
Feisty any way. Many computers setup screens are different so i can't
help you with this except to say that you are looking for the boot
order so you can change it to have the CD-ROM boot after the floppy
and before the HD. If you had to enter Setup it should have restarted
the boot process on exiting it. Let the DBAN boot up the computer.)
2.When DBAN loads type autonuke at the prompt, press enter and wait
for it to complete it's work. (It should tell you the time remaining
in the upper right half of the screen. This will very by the size of
your HD it took me about 2 ½ hours for mine the good thing is on
autonuke it does all the harddrives at one time. So Go Do Something
Else. )
3.Now assuming that it is done and you are back remove the DBAN disk
and if it was on CD replace it with the Ubuntu CD and reboot the
computer ( Make sure that you remove the DBAN even if it is on a
Floppy or it will boot from that instead of the CD. )
4.When the Ubuntu's Desktop has loaded start the Gnome Partition
Editor ( you will find it under the SYSTEM then the Administration
drop menus at the top of the screen. )
5.Select the Master HD this should be the first one to come up so you
shouldn't have to do any thing special ( This was my 6Gig )
6.Right click on the Partition Bar and select NEW from the drop menu
7.Set the Disk Label for this drive to DOS. This can be done by
simply clicking the create button. Or it can be done by clicking
Advanced and selecting it in the drop menu then clicking the create
button. Either way it will ask if you are sure simply click the next
create button.
8.Now Right click on the Partition Bar again and select NEW again (
The first Partition we are going to make is for the boot files for
Windows XP Pro on the Master Drive. )
9.Set the "New Size" Box to 12MB (this is the Minimum size.)
10.Set the "Create As" Box to Primary Partition
11.Set the "File System" Box to NTFS on the drop menu and click add
12.Now Right click on the unallocated space of the Partition Bar and
select NEW. (The Second Partition we are going to make is for the
Linux-Swap wich must be a Minimum size of 256MB)
13.Set the "New Size" Box to 256MB (this is the Minimum size.)
14.Set the "Create As" Box to Primary Partition
15.Set the "File System" Box to Linux-Swap on the drop menu and Click
16.Now Right click on the unallocated space of the Partition Bar and
select NEW. (The Third Partition we are going to make is for the
Linux Operating System and Programs. I don't use Linux much so I
don't set this much over the 2GB minimum which is about half of my
remaining unallocated space)
17.I set this Partition Bar size by holding down the down arrow by
the "New Size" Box till it and the "Free Space Following" Box are
close to a match. (I do this so that I can use the remaining space
for files that will be accessable from both Operating Systems. But by
all rights you could use the whole of the space for the Linux OS. )
18.Set the "Create As" Box to Primary Partition.
19.Set the "File System" Box to Ext3 and click add.
20.Assuming that you left space for a fourth Partition Right click on
the unallocated space of the Partition Bar and select NEW. (As I said
before this will be used for files that can be used from both
Operating Systems. Files like MP3's, Open Office files, JPG's and
21.Set the "New Size" Box to it's Maximum size.
22.Set the "Create As" Box to Primary Partition
23.Set the "File System" Box to FAT32 and click add.
24.Now select the Slave HD (This was my 30Gig)this can be done by
clicking on the "Devise" box above and to the right of the Partition
Bar and selecting it from the drop menu
25.Right click on the Partition Bar for the second HD and select NEW
26.Set the Disk Label to DOS as you did before and click create
27.click create as you did before on the verification window.
28.Now Right click on the Partition Bar and select New.(Now the last
partition we are going to make is for the Windows XP Pro and Windows
Ran Programs)
29.Leave the "New Size" Box set to it's Maximum size.
30.Set the "Create As" Box to Primary Partition.
31.Set the "File System" Box to NTFS and click add.
32.Now click the "Apply" button
33.Now assuming that the operations completed successfully Close all
the Windows and restart the Computer from the Quit button on the
34.When the CD-Rom drive opens remove the Ubuntu Disk Replacing it
with the Windows Install disk and push ENTER letting the computer
35.Start your Windows install as normal and when you get to the
Partition Screen select the Largest NTFS Partition that you made this
would be the second Hard Drive and press Enter.
36.The next screen will ask about the file system you want to install
select "Leave The Current File System Intact (no changes)"and press
ENTER the set up will start copying files. The rest of the Windows
install is a standard install.(When you have access to your Windows
Desktop you can reinstall your Windows ran Programs or Replace the
Windows Install Disk with your Ubuntu Feisty Disk and Reboot.
37.Now assuming that your Ubuntu Desktop is up Double click the
Install icon on the Desktop.
38.Select your Language and click forward
39.Select your City and click forward
40.Select your Keyboard Layout and click forward
41.The Next screen will be for Partitioning select "Manual" and click
42.Select your EXT3 partition and click the "Edit Partition" button.
43.Leave the "Partition Size" alone as well as the "File System" Box
but change the "Mount Point" to "/" also known as root and click
the "OK" button.
44.Let it reset the mount pount and click on the box under the Format
Collum for the EXT3 partition that you just rest then click forward.
The rest is a standard install of Feisty. (That being sayed when you
restart the computer or reboot it will now give you the option of
Windows or Linux during the boot process if you don't select Windows
it will automaticly load Your Ubuntu.)

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 02    

I found out later that windows partitions don't resize well so this is the
easyest way that i know it is from an attachment I wrote to help newbies like

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