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Second hard drive not writable

  Date: Dec 28    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 548

A friend text'ed me about his second hard drive this morning not being
writable. He can click on it and access it but he cant move any files,
create any folders and when he sudo into a folder on the drive, he cant
change the the permissions either. The drop down box is there to change
the permissions and he can click it and see what to change it to - so
its not grayed out - but he cant change it.

He tried:
sudo chown -R root:root /media/PRASH

but that didnt work - found it in a forum.

Can someone help?



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 28    

That happened to me with 7.04. Found HAL corrupted.
Had to reinstall. That did the trick. Just a thought.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 28    

In simple terms the Hardware Abstraction Layer controls many devices in Ubuntu
allows you to read and write to these devices. If your friend inadvertantly
downloaded an
upgrade to the HAL and it failed as mine did than you won't have any control
over your
apps, network, and files. He may not be able to backup his files either. Not
anything about your friend's machine it's far easier to reinstall and watch out
for HAL

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 28    

I just tried the same thing with almost the same results. Go and buy a
USB kit to change the drive to a external USB drive and it will work fine.
If you can get it to work. let me know the secret.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 28    

He thought that his drive was going to crash so he started deleting
crap off the drive and after he got rid of about 5gb worth of picts he
said things literally cleared up on the spot.

Sounds crazy to me but - when you have a person who is not a computer
person - if something fixes itself then you are just happy your
computer works. Why it is working - I dont know but Im waiting for
another text saying its totally crashed.

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