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Hard drive getting set as read-only

  Date: Jan 08    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 535

I'm looking for help with this. Running Feisty 64 bit.

I have a 500G drive as hdd, using reiserfs.
The drive passes all factory diags, but if I move files to it, it
takes forever, and eventually bombs setting the drive to read-only
apparently due to some error.

Now since the drive passes even the LONG tests I am thinking that this
is a ubuntu problem, but I don't really know where to look.

Any ideas?



10 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 08    

have you tried running the life cd first?
I should advise to run the 32bit version first
you didn't wrote anything about your system ,cpu.. ram

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 08    

> have you tried running the life cd first?

I did, and didn't run into these problems. At that point, the
filesystems were all NTFS

> I should advise to run the 32bit version first
> you didn't wrote anything about your system ,cpu.. ram

It's an athlon 64 bit dual core, 2G ram, reasonably high end machine.
The drive in question is a western digital 500G.

What I know is that the drive keeps getting set to read only.
What I suspect is that this is because of errors.
But the drive passes the factory diagnostics 100%.
So, I don't see why it's getting set to RO, or why it's so
interminably slow. Copy 1G? that will take hours, and it is very
unlikely to complete.

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 08    

was gparted well supporting your drive when you
changed the partitions,its standard that ntfs is read
only for ubuntu you have to set the linux partition up
as etc3
another point is a bit that I even don't know which
c++ compiler truly supports dualcore(multicore) and
multi threating.....you imagine the first 386 was in
1985...and the first software to support the 386
enhanced mode was in 1990....(win3.1)its not that the
newest machines are the best choice....

or you can give solaris10 a try, but that is a
download of 7 cd's...

Answer #4    Answered On: Jan 08    

> was gparted well supporting your drive when you
> changed the partitions

How would I know?

>,its standard that ntfs is read
> only for ubuntu you have to set the linux partition up
> as etc3

This is one of several drives. The boot drive is EXT3, but all the
others, including the one with the problem, are reiserfs.

> another point is a bit that I even don't know which
> c++ compiler truly supports dualcore(multicore) and
> multi threating....

Since they offered a 64 bit version, that's what I installed.

Answer #5    Answered On: Jan 08    

during installation you get a question about your hd
how to divide it,standart is 1 big partition but the
3th option is to do it manualy...i think its step 5 or
6 in the installation
when you do it manually then you can size and set the
proper format..you need 4 partitions: root, swap
(4gb),home for linux and a fat32 to exchange data with

Answer #6    Answered On: Jan 08    

This machine no longer has MS on it. :) Had vista, but I dumped it.

The main drive is an 80G, which has the swap partition, and the main
linux file system.
I have several other drives for large file collections, and the one
I'm having trouble with is one of those. It was NTFS, but I pulled
everything off, and set it to Reiserfs.

Answer #7    Answered On: Jan 08    

I was looking at the wikipedia about the
ReiserFileSystem because self i have never used it,
its normally well implemented in the kernel but I have
not seen that debian is supporting it, other distro's
like solaris ,suse,.... are supporting it
and there are also serveral warnings about it..
special when the database becomes corrupted.

Answer #8    Answered On: Jan 08    

Reiser URL is: www.namesys.com

They show you how to implement it if it is not part of the kernel, it can be a
kernel module. Having said that, I thought I saw ReiserFS in GParted when I
build my Feisty system as an option. Later....

Answer #9    Answered On: Jan 08    

I've update my system april 18,but not via a cd,
so i coukd not remember if I have seen it ReiserFS,
not paid attention to it at that time

Answer #10    Answered On: Jan 08    

Check out this URL about Reiser and Ubuntu:

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