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12.04 Installer Crashed

  Date: Feb 19    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 624

I just got a new 12.04 CD and during a clean install the "Installer
Crashed". Bug #998492, Fail to detect package download errors on
architectures other than AMD 64.

During the install I also got this error about reading the CD:

Failed often due to a faulty CD/DVD disc or drive or faulty HD. Clean the
CD, burn at a lower rate, or clean the CD lns, check whether the HD is old
and in need of replacement or move the system to a cooler environment.

When first reading the CD this popped up: HDA Codec out of range. I also
got the "Failed often due to a faulty CD/DVD disc" when trying to upgrade
from 9.01 to 10.04.

Here's what my brand new PC is comprised of:

Amd A8 5600K Blk Edt 3600Mhz 4m 100w Socket FM2
Corsair XMS3 4GB PC10666 DDR3 1333MHz 4096MB x2
HEC HP585DR ORION 585W Peak Retail Power Supply
Kingwin 120mm Long Life Bearing Yellow LED CaseFan
Cooler Master Hyper 612 PWM CPU Cooler R3
Thermaltake V3 Black Edition Mid Tower Case

Why am I not able to get Ubuntu to install on this computer? I bought this
as a barebones kit from Tiger Direct.



5 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 19    

What about the hard drive? You don't list any.

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 19    

It's a refurbished Western Digital WD5003ABYX RE4 500GB SATA/300 7200RPM

Answer #3    Answered On: Feb 19    

Can you boot into the Live CD with that disc ?

Answer #4    Answered On: Feb 19    

Yes, I can boot to the live CD, but still have problem with the sound. So
it could be the HD that's the problem. As far as sound, I can get a sound

Thanks, at least we're making some progress.

Answer #5    Answered On: Feb 19    

Well that proves the basic hardware is OK and when booted into the
Live CD you can run the Disc Utility to check the HD is OK. Might be
worth going into BIOS and disabling the on-board sound the try the
installation again ( assuming the HD checks out OK ).

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