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Xsane Isn't Lighting Scanner Lamp

  Date: Feb 12    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 517

I've been looking for a more lightweight window manager with less dependencies
and recently tried jwm. Was wondering if anyone had any tips on configuring or
themes for it? I checked out the Puppy Linux thread on themes and have been
reading through the configuration information at the jwm web site. Was thinking
of trying to put together a basic theme switcher tool for jwm.



5 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 12    

Check out this page: http://linuxhcl.com/browse/product?id=6859

It mentions some libraries to install as well. Precise can use 32 and
64-bit, so you might want to try 32-bit versions after removing the 64-bit
ones. It can't hurt since it isn't working as is.

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 12    

I had tried to install Iscan the other day, but I think
I got a corrupted data file. I tried again, and it installed, but now I have a
different problem. Simple Scan and Iscan now detect my V500 as an Epson
(unknown model) and the cannot talk to it. (The good news is that they work
with the network-connected Photosmart 2610 all-in-one.)

If I try to run xsane, it also sees the V500 as an unknown Epson, and it balks
over permissions for an epkowa emulator. Running xsane as root brings up a dire
warning, but the scanner is properly detected as an Epson V500, and it works!
I'm still researching the permissions issue.

Answer #3    Answered On: Feb 12    

If it runs when logged in a Root then you need to add the scanner
group to your user. That should allow it to run in normal mode :-)

Answer #4    Answered On: Feb 12    

Main thing is you managed to get it working :-)

Answer #5    Answered On: Feb 12    

E> I tried finding drivers on the Epson site, but it keeps pointing at
E> Iscan which I can't figure out how to install.

You do need to install Image Scan for Linux to get this working
correctly. Have you gone to this site and downloaded the .deb file ?
It should install by simply double clicking...


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