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Visioneer 9520 scanner difficulty

  Date: Nov 27    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 780

new to ubuntu 10.10 and ubuntu in general. I
took a clean break from xp. I was given a visioneer 9520 scanner. I tried
entering software and drivers via WINE and had no success (e.g. the loading
program froze). Next I downloaded gscan2pdf but to no avail. The computer does
recognize the scanner is present. Any help, ideas, or guidance would be imensely



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Nov 27    

Unfortunately all the Visioneer scanners are unsupported in any
version of Linux so no point going on with this one :-( At least you
were given it so no loss in that respect but annoying all the same
when hardware doesn't work !!

FWIW - a lot of older scanners / printers etc bit the dust when WinXP
came out ( and mainly for the same reason - firmware that relied on
direct access to Windows API's ) so it's nothing new for hardware to
fall by the wayside.

"Price of progress" and all that !

Answer #2    Answered On: Nov 27    

I find on
your scanner does work on linux and Unix as well as every windows
3.1. Unlike windows, Linux does not need drivers for most peripherals - they
are built in. Most manufacturers only supply drivers for the big market,
i.e. Windows, but that doesn't mean they won't work under linux. I don't
have your model but the two I have tried just work - without drivers - Canon
MP150 (built into a printer) and Mustek 1200 CUB (an old off-brand). Don't
give up on it too soon...

Have you tried installing "sane"? It is listed as "xsane" in the
repositories. It works with almost all twain compatible scanners, and that
includes all scanners made in the last 10 years. Just search for it in the
software manager or use Synaptic.

That name is an acronym for "scanners are now easy" and it is so much easier
than using them in windows.

Answer #3    Answered On: Nov 27    

Did you actually click on the 'Download' button to see where it takes
you ? This scanner if very firmly Windows Only despite what that
impressive list of 'supported' OS's says on the web site !

Also if you look at the SANE supported hardware list every Visioneer
is 'Unsupported'.

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