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Printer Sharing Isn't Working

  Date: Jan 11    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 437

I am having problems trying to share a printer on my desktop. The printer is an
HP Laserjet 1020, and the desktop is running 64-bit Karmic. None of the other
boxes on the network (wired/wireless, 32-bit/64-bit, Lucid/Win7/XP) can access
the printer.

I have checked all of the appropriate boxes in printer properties and server
settings. When I try to install the printer on the other systems, I am asked
for a username and password on the desktop. I set up a user named "printer" and
gave it a password, but when I try to use that username/password to install the
printer on one of the other systems, I get an "access denied" error. All of the
networked systems can see each other, and access shared files.

Does anyone have any suggestions?



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 11    

Don't know if this is any help: in the dialogue where you set up the
printer (System > Administration > Printing) on the machine to which
it's connected, look on the Server menu, under Settings, and make sure
the printer is published.

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 11    

I am not bothered myself because If I want to print anything I transfer
it to a memory pen and use the printer from my Win7 but I found that
Whatever I put as my user name and password for the network was not
acceptable so gave up.

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 11    

You sound like a cadidate for Dropbox. Once installed, just save the file to
your Dropbox folder and it is available on all computers running Dropbox.
Dropbox gives 2GBs for free. It saves searching for a usb pendrive.

Answer #4    Answered On: Jan 11    

Depends on how big your pipe is, whether you pay per MB, and how big the files

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