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Slow computer

  Date: Feb 08    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 432

I am using a Dell Dimension 2400 using Ubuntu 11.10 with 1.5 Gb of RAM. My
computer is running slow for months. I got the new Ubuntu about 2 weeks ago
hoping that would speed it up. I just tried to go to a different website tab
using firefox. It usually takes 10-15 seconds or so to go to another tab or to
go to another link. I don't like to update the computer very often because it
runs much much slower when I update. I just had an update reminder. My
computer did not do anything. I tried to shut down the updates about 50 times -
No kidding. Finally I just had to hit the shutoff button on the computer and
restart it. Is there a reason why my computer is so slow and what can I do
about it? I had about 10 tabs up but no hogs like videos.



9 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 08    

Everything you are saying points to a problem with the internet
connection rather than the computer itself so have you checked what
download speed you are getting ? www.speedtest.net is a good site to
bookmark for this :-)

I'm assuming that other use of the computer is fast enough, i.e.
opening documents and photos etc ?

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 08    

A failing hard drive will make a computer slow no matter what operating
system is installed, or how good your internet connection is. I would
run Hirens ultimate boot cd, DOS programs, Hard drive tools, HDAT2 and
check it for bad sectors.

Answer #3    Answered On: Feb 08    

look just run disk utility from software centre that will tell you if you have
any bad sectors

Answer #4    Answered On: Feb 08    

I used to use a Dell Dimension 2400 too, but with only 1 GB RAM. I had a lot of
trouble with the Intel Integrated video when running Ubuntu 8.10, 9.04, 9.10,
and 10.04 LTS. 10.10 ran perfectly; I retired that machine before ever trying
11.04 or 11.10.

My first thought was that you were having trouble with that obsolete video
subsystem. But, upon re-reading your post, I'm more inclined to think that
having that many tabs open in Firefox is crushing your CPU. You might try to
keep a terminal window open, running the "top" command, and watching tasks and
CPU usage as you open up additional tabs. (I've got a still-older and slower
laptop, running Xubuntu 11.10, that will exhibit the behavior you describe with
only three or four tabs open in Firefox.)

Answer #5    Answered On: Feb 08    

This is really interesting. How do I run the "top" command? How can I monitor
CPU usage with Ubuntu? I know how to use the Task Manager in XP but no idea
with Ubuntu? Is there a longer range solution with fixing the Intel video? I
had problems with XP running slow when I had XP.

Answer #6    Answered On: Feb 08    

g> How do I run the "top" command?

From a terminal window, just type the command and press [Enter] to

g> How can I monitor CPU usage with Ubuntu?

The same information that 'top' displays is available by running
System Monitor. You can kill processes with a right click on one just
the same as WinXP task manager - but as with that, be careful what you

Answer #7    Answered On: Feb 08    

My computer went slow for a time tried everything then tried disk utility from
software centre it said the drive had bad sectors .
I replaced the drive and now its back to being fast running same software and it
rockets through them.
the drive was slowing the system down now its a paperweight.

Answer #8    Answered On: Feb 08    

Seen that many times over the years. Lethargic PC that doesn't respond
to any fix - including an OS re-install. Swap the HD for a new one and
it's like letting the brakes off

Answer #9    Answered On: Feb 08    

I will definitely check on getting a new HD for my computer.
Thanks for the information.

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