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Slow motion movies and editing

  Date: Feb 04    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 559

Does anyone have a recommendation for a movie player that includes slow

Also does anyone have a recommendation for a simple-to-use movie editor that
would allow me to save only a couple of minutes and discard the rest?

I am running Ubuntu 11.4 on a Dell Laptop and have been very pleased.



6 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 04    

There is PLENTY.

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 04    

I downloaded and installed LiVE. I opened a video,
selected the frame series I wanted to save and cannot figure out how to get it
to save it. (Save is not on the file menu.) I want it saved in the same format
as the old video. I do not want the save it as a clip as that saves the
individual frames as .jpg files; not as a new video.

Copy and paste into a new works nice but again I cannot figure out how to save

I am seeking a simple editor that will allow me to select a subsection and then
save it.

Any suggestions? (Including 'You chose the wrong one.)

Answer #3    Answered On: Feb 04    

Sorry, but if you had never held a pen, you wouldn't expect to sit
down and write a novel.

In video editing, producing the final output is called "rendering." I have never
seen LiVE, but that's the term to search for in the menus.

Answer #4    Answered On: Feb 04    

VLC can adjust the playback rate.

Piviti is included with Ubuntu, so it might be fairly easy to use. It's still
worth your while to search for tutorials, and spend an hour to two to get the

Answer #5    Answered On: Feb 04    

PiTiVi will no longer be part of the default installation for Ubuntu (as of
11.10). It was removed because it was not ready for prime time. It is in the
repositories and can be installed. I personally like KDEnLive.

Answer #6    Answered On: Feb 04    

pitivi is easy.............................

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