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install Ubuntu onto a laptop computer

  Date: Jan 03    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 492

I am new to the world of Ubuntu and Linux. All I
want to do is install Ubuntu onto a laptop computer so I can run my
desktop CNC mill. I anticipated that making the actual connection
from the laptop to the mill was going to be the hard part, but I
haven't gotten that far yet. Ive downloaded a version of Ubuntu made
for CNC work, as I understand. I've burned it to a CD, and have tried
to boot it on the laptop. I even got it to boot all the way once. I
clicked install and the laptop hung up after it asked for my keyboard
configuration. Now when I reboot, sometimes I will get as far as
being able to launch it in a safemode, at other times not. Even in
safemode, I get green lettering above the box that says it's loading
the kernel. Then it powers down. That's all the further I get.

Ive verified the MD5SUM with the site that I loaded it from, and at
this point, really don't know what else to do. That's why I'm here,
pleading :) for suggestions.

The laptop is a HP, 512M and 20G. It's got windows XP on it now, but
I don't care about that. I don't care if I make it a dual boot
machine. Right now, it boots into windows with no problem.

I'm hoping somebody has run across a problem like this before. I did
search the archive before posting, but I didn't see an answer to a
problem like this. I have downloaded and burned the same version, and
I got the same results.

So, that's where I am. I'm tossing it out and hoping somebody has a
better understanding of what is going on then I.



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 03    

Have fast did you burn the ISO CD? If you burn it like at 52X's it could have
errors on it. It is lots of data in a ISO formate. Thus burning it at a slow
speed like at 10x may help a good deal. So with any large data you are burning
to a CD. A nice slow burn like making grandma's cookies is very good.

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 03    

Try burning the cd in a slow speed or order a new cd from ubuntu.com. Its

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 03    

I hadn't tried burning the Cd at a slow speed, and it
sounded like a good idea. But it's still acting the same way. I had
noticed that if it gets to a certain point and before it shuts off,
the screen scrambles and I get about 16 horizontal lines and a square
box full of static in the center. Then starting from the right side,
the screen looks like a movie screen would if the film gets jammed in
fromt of the lens, and starts to burn away. No damage to the scren of
course, but I thought I would try plugging in a monitor I had. No
difference. Then I plugged in another keyboard. Same deal.

I'm wondering that since this isn't a straight edition of Ubuntu,
rather one with a CNC program already there, would it be helpful to
get a download or a CD that only has Ubuntu on it?

Answer #4    Answered On: Jan 03    

It sounds like a video card problem. Can you post your specs on the system you
are trying to run on. Make, model, and so on.

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