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I have no control over my computer

  Date: Dec 06    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 434

I have no idea what has happened but, I have no control over my computer.

I can move the mouse around but I cant click on anything. Once every so often I
can and then its lost the ability again. The mouse has is working fine - even
tried another mouse. However, its also my keyboard. Im not sure what is up but I
did update my system this morning and Im wondering if anyone else is
experiencing this problem.



5 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 06    

I rebooted and as soon as the screen came up I clicked System> System Log so I
could see if anything was being posted. I can scroll the syslog screen but I
cant click on anything. Lost control pretty much immediately.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 06    

I have six usb ports so I started moving my mouse and keyboard around to the
other ones. None of the ports in the back seem to allow me to click on anything
but I can move the mouse and scroll. And the keyboard can sometimes activate a
item (clicking enter).

I just discovered that the front usb ports though are working for both my
keyboard and mouse and I can click on things and work again. But how do I
trouble shoot the rear ones?

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 06    

It's not a usb 2.. 1 problem is it ?
Sometimes the backports are usb 2 and the front ones are usb 1.

You could try a couple of things to check you don't have broken
packages though,
Drop to a console and try sudo apt-get install -f
if there is a broken package this should find it.
Then try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

The other thing that may just get it going is
sudo dpkg --configure -a
Failing that you could bite the bullet
sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a
Pay careful attention to what you are doing if you choose the last option
though as it basically fully reconfigures your system.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 06    

If you have a live CD, one which will boot without installing a fresh operating
system (such as Ubuntu)boot from the CD and see if the system responds more
normally to mouse and keyboard. If it does you have possibly got a data
corruption which could be due to a failing hard drive or an electricity supply
If you do have a live CD save your data ASAP.
If the keyboard and mouse don't work normally with the live CD you might have an
incipient processor or motherboard problem.

Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 06    

Wouldnt that show up on all usb ports and not just one(set)?

My /home is on a different drive - thankfully.
My os is on a brand new drive - not that that means anything :D

Running lsusb I show 8 usb ports.
I have actually six.
Shuttle specs say I have two front and two rear 2.0 ports and two 1.1 ports.
However, when I plug into all of the six ports, none of them are 2.0 usb ports.

It might be the motherboard.

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