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Add / Curtail spaces between characters

  Asked By: Matilda    Date: Jan 10    Category: MS Office    Views: 979

Could someone help me in the following:

a) I have telephone no.'s under tele column appearing as lets say 0161 000 000
or 0161 00 0000 or 161 0000 00 showing no consistency and pattern . I would
appreciate if someone can help me in
i) adding a 0 (zero) in the start of the number if it does not exist and
ii) if there is a way I can delete spaces between no.'s e.g. the above
appearing as
0161000000 in all the above scenarios
iii) Formula to add spaces after first 4 digits followed by 2 no.'s and
again some spaces and
then the remaining no. e.g. 0161 00 000

b) Outlook Express

I have my address book with 100's of addresses and I wanted to find if there is
a way I can keep a track of any new addresses added after today. I have not used
a date column before in Outlook so what is the best way to generate addresses
added after today ?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Edjo Chalthoum     Answered On: Jan 10

The first issue we can help  with, but the second is off topic.

You don't need any VBA to format these numbers the way you want, just a
formula and a custom format in the cell. If your number is A1, you need
the following formula in another cell - say B1 - to convert it into a
number with no spaces:


Then you can go to Cells-Format - Number, select 'custom' from the list
box and type ten zeros into the field. You can put any spaces  or hyphens
you want between the zeros.

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