This is very fast....
Function fncStripJoin(spS As String) As String
Dim slS() As String
slS = Split(spS," ")
fncStripJoin = Join(slS, "")
' ***********************************************************************
End Function
I also use a "generic" procedure which will strip any single or set of
characters including control characters.
Function fncStripChrs(strpString As String)
' Strip some characters.
Dim intlM As Integer
Dim strlS As String
strlS = ""
For intlM = 1 To Len(strpString)
Select Case Asc(Mid(strpString, intlM, 1))
Case 13, 7, 10, 9, 150, 147 ' List of Ascii codes for stripping.
Case Else
strlS = strlS & Mid(strpString, intlM, 1)
End Select
fncStripChrs = strlS
' ***********************************************************************
End Function
... And finally this one.
Function fncAllTrim(spS As String) _
As String
' Trim all spaces from a string.
Dim slS As String
Dim ilChr As Integer
Dim slChr As String * 1
slS = ""
For ilChr = 1 To Len(spS)
slChr = Mid(spS, ilChr, 1)
If slChr <> " " Then
slS = slS & slChr
End If
Next ilChr
fncAllTrim = slS
' ***********************************************************************
End Function
I did have a function where you passed a list of chrs to zap but I couldn't
find it... Sorry.