I've tried many OCR packages on Ubuntu and have to say that none of
them are a patch on Abbyy Fine Reader which unfortunately only works
in Windows so it's one of the programs I have to run using WinXP in
Virtual Box, though I might give it another shot on 'Play on Linux'
just to see if it can work since Wine is now up to version 1.4. Many
years ago I obtained a free key for version 5.0 through a UK magazine
and whilst Abbyy is up to version 11 now they still don't support
Linux, aren't cheap ( but if there was a Linux version I think they'd
clean up the market in OCR software for it !! ), and the older one
works just fine :-)
Other than trying to get a copy of Abby Fine Reader and using WinXP in
Virtual Box I feel you are going to be disappointed with any OCR
program in terms of accuracy and spelling check etc. Some of the OCR
efforts have been so bad and needing editing it would be as easy just
copy typing the document in the first place !!
Don't get me wrong, I use Ubuntu all the time but there are some tasks
that I need to do that work much better in Windows and OCR is one of
them :-( If I could get anything remotely close to Abbyy in Ubuntu I
would use it !! Currently I have to do the scans in Ubuntu then open
in Abbyy Fine Reader to OCR then back to Ubuntu to carry on working
with them. Not a huge hassle with VBox and shared folders across the
two but it would be nice to have it all in Ubuntu :-)