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space to upload

  Asked By: Lloyd    Date: Dec 07    Category: Java    Views: 744

I am looking for a place to upload my ebooks, I am talking about may be 2 - 3 GB,
if you have a space already , can you please let me know so I upload them so others can use them too? if others have ebook that could be helpful to keep them all in one place with under separate categories, something like a elibrary.

any opinions?



11 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Nicholas Wells     Answered On: Dec 07

me 2 I have more than 10GB of ebooks about Java, Software engineering, Managment etc
I will be happy to share it with others but I don't want to pay the expense!

Answer #2    Answered By: Lily Brown     Answered On: Dec 07

I have the place  to host it for a while.

Do you have them on DVD ?

Answer #3    Answered By: Umaiza Hashmi     Answered On: Dec 07

I propose you compress yours ebooks and share it by emule and then
send us the elink.
Can be a solution...

Answer #4    Answered By: Barachias Levi     Answered On: Dec 07

the idea was to remove them from hard disk and upload  them to a shared place, not just to share it with people, not so generous after all, hah?

Answer #5    Answered By: Naomi Lee     Answered On: Dec 07

I have lots of ebooks on different folder on different computers at home and also some at different places I work for.
I have to gather and sort them some how.
if any one is willing to give a free host which supports java, I can write a e-library web site which every body can upload  his own books and download books.
I am already paying a lot of money for my Internet and I don't like the idea of paying more for emule traffic!

Answer #6    Answered By: Bathilda Schmidt     Answered On: Dec 07

I think rapidshare.de is a good place.

Answer #7    Answered By: Joyce Edwards     Answered On: Dec 07

thats a very good idea
I have downloaded most of this ebooks from rapidshare my self! :D
for rest of ebooks I can just put their address!

Answer #8    Answered By: Adel Fischer     Answered On: Dec 07

We have the space  you need. Please let us know if you needed FTP access to upload  the files.

Answer #9    Answered By: Teresa Rogers     Answered On: Dec 07

Thanks a lot, I tried the fto connection you sent me and the login details didn't work, I'll give it another try and will let you know,

in the meanwhile, I was wondering if your server supports java, can you let us know,

Answer #10    Answered By: Tammy Sanders     Answered On: Dec 07

there are also rapidshare, oxyshare, megaupload and other web sites, which can be used to store ebooks, but most of them have one of the following problems:
they delete copyrighted materials!
they have limited download
there are some good offers from members
what we need is a good server with reliable connection which we can trust not to be closed a month later, and has support for java.
it looks like there is at least one such an offer?

Answer #11    Answered By: Hilma Miller     Answered On: Dec 07

this is the main point, it;s better to have a space  which we now there is reliable control over it,

apparently the server that Amir offered is supporting what you need, so let us know if you have time to write the elibrary. This would be better that the rest of the sites that they are offering space for upload  but they are not organized for a specific use such a elibrary. let't take care of this here ourselves,

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