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Testing system for Unity support

  Date: Feb 06    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 798

In the Q&A section at
They say, "There is a test program in Natty for that. Run this command:"
/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p

That program in not on my computer, executing unity_support_test -p in the CLI
gives "command not found". I have tried to find this program, Synaptic and the
Ubuntu Software Center know nothing about it. They want you to run a program
that checks if Unity can or cannot run on your system but it seems that is not
available until you have Unity installed. What kind of support is that?

Where can I get a copy of a program that does that check that will run on Ubuntu



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 06    

the program name is "system testing". I am now using Unity most of the
time, but have used the program many times to make sure all the hardware
worked in all Ubuntus from 8.04. I would look I believe under the system
dropdown rather than under applications.

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